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Check out the HOME page for our calendar updates often!


​Board Meetings

The Lake Francis Area Recreation & Conservation Club's Board of Directors meets at least three times per year. Please contact a Board Member if you have an item for the Board Agenda.  


Annual Meeting/Brunch/Volunteer Appreication-

Please join your friends and neighbors at the LFARCC's Annual Meeting in June. The Board and occasionally guest speakers discuss

important updates regarding aquatic invasive species, water quality, Minnesota DNR programs and other topics important to the future of Lake Francis. Members also nominate and elect the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting. 


Lake Francis Burger Night- (31083 MN-15 Kingston, MN) 

 Fundraiser for out Lake Association- Come enjoy a burger while supporting our organization. This is a great fundraiser for Lake Francis. This is a volunteer event, so feel free to get in contact if you would like to help out. Many hands make for light work. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Janice Smith. 


Golf Outing- Kimball Golf Course

The Golf Outing is hosted by the Lake Francis Area Recreation & Conservation Club as a fundraiser to support the Association's activties including water quality, recreation, social and other programs and association needs. The first event was held in 2016.





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